Does your organization have people in leadership positions for the first time in their life? Are you looking to prepare your managers for a greater and more challenging role? Do any of your leaders face hurdles in their current role? If the answer is ‘yes’ to any of these questions, know that your organization isn’t alone in its need to develop and enhance leadership capabilities in its managers.
Leadership Development consists of understanding where your managers are (the “As Is” picture), knowing where you want them to be (the “To Be” picture), identifying the gaps and designing and implementing appropriate interventions to address them. Training Programs (that incorporate case studies, action learning and problem-based learning) along with Coaching and Mentoring (where importance is given to experiential learning combined with reflection), have become de rigueur in Leadership Development.
Leadership Development programs are most effective when they are designed with a keen appreciation of the contexts of both the organization and the individual. The below Forte Framework of Leadership Competencies can help you identify specific areas that need to be addressed in your Leadership Development initiatives. Let us know how we can help you in your leadership development initiatives.