01 – Welcome to Cryptic Crosswords

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I am hoping this group will be the start of a lifelong affair for all of you with crosswords. A quick note on crosswords and what I have in mind for this group:
We shall talk about cryptic crosswords (cc), not quick (or straight) crosswords here. CCs are frequently fiendishly difficult and as a beginner, about 16 years ago, I found that I could not solve even one clue. But I persisted and I request you to do the same – trust me, it will get easier very soon for I shall be your “hamrahi” in this journey. 🙂 I plan to send you 2 or 3 clues every week, and I shall follow up after a day or two with how you should approach it, and follow that in turn after a day with the actual answer. If you solve them, please send me your answers privately so the others get a chance to flex their thinking muscles for some time.

Don’t be anxious about this hobby – all you need is a decent vocabulary, some general knowledge and a good understanding of how crossword setters think. You have the first two in spades; you will acquire the third with some practice.

Without further ado, here are 2 clues to get us started (with approach and answer).
A clue from the Guardian:
Some fanciful name for part of the arm (4)
This clue tells me that the answer is 4 letters long. And that the answer must likely be the name for a part of the arm. The word “some” indicates to me that the answer must be some of the letters that follow. So, if I look at the letters that follow closely, I will see UL NA, which is a bone in the arm.
A clue from the Financial Times:
Prone to deceit (5)
The answer is 5 letters long and means both prone as well as deceit. This is an example of a dd or double definition. The ans is LYING.

Here’s a clue for you to try on your own:
Girl protected by parents offers a view (8)
Hint: think of a girl called Nora.

One thought on “01 – Welcome to Cryptic Crosswords

  1. The answer to the above clue means image or picture.
    It is 8 letters long.
    And if we surround NORA with parents PA and MA, (while crossword setters are notorious for taking liberties, Pa and Ma for parents is pretty normal) we get PANORAMA.

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